Distinguished Mozartian performer, she debuted several opera roles, as well as oratorio and concert arias, obtaining excellent reviews.
Throughout her career she collaborated with different national and international chamber music groups. With them, she dedicated her time and effort to recover the Spanish lyric repertoire.
"...and María Martín González (Echo) gave a committed performance and rounded off the evening musically with a beautiful song."
- Oxana Arkaeva, Pro Ópera
"María Marín González shined as Giannetta. With her beautifully timbred, lyrical soprano voice, her radiant high tones and the committed performance, she wholeheartedly supports Nemorino and she obtains friendliness of the other girls"
- Michael Stange, Ioco Kultur im Netz
"María Martín performed confidently her role as Sirena"
- Opera World
"María Martín, excellent technique which allows a relaxed emission, perfect positioning, smooth and voluminous passaggio, ideal for stage work"
- Ritmo Magazine
"María Martín González sang with brilliant soprano tones an Elvira full of temperament"
- M. Wilks, Das Opernglas
"The spanish soprano María Martín got the first Bravo of the night from the audience, after performing a Christmas Carol by Joaquín Nin"
- swi, Neumünster
"The vocal quartet was satisfying. Worthy of special mention was the talented soprano María Martín from Valladolid. She posseses an excellent voice whose sound is better located every time, resulting more useful to facilitate that tremendous good taste in the musical phrasing, which is her personal brand mark"
- mundoclasico.com
"The soprano María Martín, happy surprise for her excellent vocal and respiratory technique"
- José María Morate, El Norte de Castilla